The FBS series laminar flow box creates a portable clean room workstation, which can have a size of 0.24 to 1.12 m depending on the model. It is used during product manufacturing and to store items under clean room conditions. Ambient air is drawn in using EC fans and pushed through the filer. This generates an ISO class 5 laminar flow, i.e. the air streams down in parallel flow lines.
The Flow Box is equipped with a filter of the type H 14.This filter is capable of removing 99,995 % of all particles having a size larger than 0,5 um ( EU 14 ).
Even for particles larger than 0,21 um the degree of filtering is still 99,95 % . In this case the retention factor is 10³ which means that , the air quality in the Flow Box versus the outside air will improve by a factor of 1000.
For particles larger than 0,5 um an improvement by a factor of 90,000 will be obtained .
At an air flow velocity of 0,45 m / sec. the air stream occurs laminar. Which means that the air moves as a parallel stream.