The immersion cleaning will be done by an oscillating lifting and dipping of the pneumatic lift-dip-platform into the bath volume. Through this an effectively cleaning, strengthened by the clack valve system, will be done by the medium turbulences.
When opening the machine the loading platform moves to the loading and unloading position. The dirty parts can be positioned on the loading platform. After setting cleaning time and pushing the button "part cleaning" the loading platform moves into the bath volume and closes the cover automatically. During the cleaning time moves the loading platform in the bath volume continuously up and down.
The loading platform has some cavities and clacks available. Those clacks can close the cavities (clack valve system). When moving the loading platform down the clacks will close the cavities and the medium bathes the dirty parts. When moving the loading platform up the clacks will open and medium flows through the parts. With this technique a very effective cleaning result will be achieved. When the cleaning time is over the loading platform moves into the unloading position and opens the cover automatically. Now the parts can be taken out.