It is used to separate the broken and long grains in wheat. It is used successfully in seed cleaning stations, flour and semolina factories.
Trieur is used to separate the processed product according to its length.
In order to separate the seed grains by taking their size into account, a Trieur, which has oval-circular shaped eyes and moves in a circle, is used.
Trieur Screening Machines, air screens, Light Grain Separators or vibrating tables are successful when they work to their limits in certain cleaning or separation tasks.
It precisely separates seeds that have the same weight and the same 'width' but differ in length in all kinds of bulk seeds. In this way, the trieur reacts to even the smallest differences in grain shapes and sizes.
During the movement of the triode, they come out of their nests more easily than the shorter grains, which are longer than other standard grains and are round and fully placed in the nest. The short grains settled in the round eyes in the cylinder begin to rise upwards in the cylinder with the centrifugal force created by the moving cylinder. When the separation screw in the cylinder reaches the height of falling into the screw, the shorter grains fall onto the screw and separation occurs.
The speed adjustment of the cylinder motors can be made differently from each other.
The redactors used are Yılmaz brand and have 30 D/D inverters.
Trieur systems can be increased or decreased according to the required capacity. Trieur is designed as a modular system.
It is produced after adjusting the speed and inclination of the machine as needed.