Automate your testing procedure
Would you like to employ a texture analysis system which provides multiple loading of samples and their subsequent testing with 'walk-away' time for the duration of all tests?
If high volume, repetitive testing is causing a bottleneck in your operation, automating to meet critical deadlines can be a business imperative. An investment in automation can be justified for a number of reasons, all of which directly impact your laboratory's contribution to profit.
The Automated Linear Indexing System (ALIS) enables the loading of multiple test samples prior to testing and does not require constant supervision by the user during testing. It is integrated seamlessly with a TA.XTplus texture analyser with quick and easy set-up and sample mounting.
Test specimens are typically located in bespoke support plates then, with prompted steps, testing conditions are set, tests are performed, and results are reported with little or no operator involvement. Skilled technicians are free to perform more sophisticated tasks while accurate, repeatable testing information is generated automatically.
Exponent software provides a simple interface for entering set-up parameters for the entire system making even the most complex testing applications easy to set up and operate. The software provides for entry of set-up parameters that define the configuration of the test such as test speed, degree of deformation, speed of data acquisition, in a project based environment.