The SR770 is a single-channel 100 kHz FFT spectrum analyzer with a dynamic range of 90 dB and a real-time bandwidth of 100 kHz. Additionally, it includes a low-distortion source which allows you to measure the transfer functions of electronic and mechanical systems. The speed and dynamic range of these instruments, coupled with their flexibility and many analysis modes, makes them the ideal choice for a variety of applications including acoustics, vibration, noise measurement and general electronic use.
High Dynamic Range
The SR770 has a dynamic range of 90 B. This means that for a full-scale input signal, the instruments have no spurious responses larger than -90 dBc (1 part in 30,000). Even signals as small as -114 dBc (1 part in 500,000) may be observed by using averaging. The low front-end noise and low harmonic distortion of the SR770 allows you to see signals that would be buried in the noise of other analyzers.
Powerful Processing
The SR770 uses a pair of high-speed, 24-bit digital signal processors (DSPs) to filter, heterodyne and transform sampled data from its 16-bit analog-to-digital converter. This computing capability allows the analyzers to operate at a real-time bandwidth of 100 kHz. In other words, the SR770 processes the input signal with no dead time. Your measurements will be done in as little as a tenth of the time of other analyzers, which typically have a real-time bandwidth of about 10 kHz.
Easy To Use
The SR770 is easy to use. The simple, menu-oriented interface logically groups related instrument functions. Context-sensitive help is available for all keys and menus.