XYZ AFM gantry for wafer inspection, microscopy
• Ideal for highly rigid and precise measurements without the influence of vibration
• High throughput due to travels of 150 x 275 x 50 mm, expandable to 550 x 1550 x 50 mm
• Extreme stability at standstill of 5 nm and better
• Outstanding long lifetime due to the use of wear-free air bearings
This very rigid XYZ gantry is specially designed for high-precision atomic force microscopy (AFM) examination of particularly large glass samples. Above the u-shaped sample platform is a movable cantilever in Z for the customized AFM.
- Standard System: PLT165-DLM (XY) / PMT160-DC (Z1, Z2)
- Stroke: 600 x 600 x 100 x 100 mm
- Repeatability: 0.2 – ±2 µm
- Speed: 500 - 1000 mm (XY) / 10 - 20 mm (Z)
- Max. load: 150 N (Z)
- Drive: linear motor (iron core), Profile Rail (XY) | ball screw, DC-Motor, cross roller (Z)
- Feedback: linear scale
- Motion Controller: ACS, PLC integration
Optionally adaptable:
Nanosurf provides compact, assemblable and customized AFM systems.