Micro stage with high dynamics and speed
The MT105 is a micro stage for universal use characterized by its high dynamics and speed. Compared to its size, it has a large travel and very small step sizes thanks to the piezo motor.
Flexible and universal
The MT105 is equipped with precision cross roller bearings. It is possible to equip this micro stage with two motors for positioning higher loads, as an option. And the stage can be effortlessly com bined into an XYZ system.
Optimum for demanding environments
Challenging environments in research and development often re quire optional special solutions. The MT105 micro stage is designed to achieve outstanding processing and positioning accuracy under extreme conditions such as in high vacuum, ultra-high vacuum and even for non-magnetic applications.
Bioprinting-Based High-Throughput Fabrication of Three-Dimensional MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cellular Spheroids | Engineering (2015) Vol.1 Issue (2): 269-274 | https://www.engineering.org.cn/EN/10.15302/J-ENG-2015062