V (m³/h) = 560÷242200
Pt (kg/m²) = 112÷2800
High pressure industrial blowers.
High-efficiency backward blades impeller.
Direct-coupled motor with impeller splined on the shaft or Belt drive transmission.
It may be in N8 Execution with a direct coupling made through elastic joint and the impeller splined on ball bearing housing.
Temperature allowed:
Direct-coupled: Maximum fluid temperature allowed is 80°C or 150 °C if a cooling fan is installed
Belt Drive or N8: Maximum fluid temperature allowed is 90°C or 350°C if a cooling fan is installed
In case of higher temperatures, some modifications to the fan structure are needed.
This type of fan is suitable to suck clean, slightly dusty air.
Ventilation systems
Cooling processes
Comburent feed
Pressurization systems
Depressurization systems
Mechanical draught
Granulate handling
Flour and powder handling
Low vacuum system
Glass tempering
Textile finishing