Ergonomically designed and lightweight, the SBS-2510 incorporates an easy-to-use joystick offering intuitive operation with a guided workflow. Easily take readings between ranges 0.000 to 3.000 through a one-handed process. A built-in motor and automatic sampling pump draw electrolyte into the hydrometer for quick readings.
Easily connect to a printer via USB or Bluetooth directly to the SBS-6500 battery impedance tester for convenient data management.
Maintaining the digital hydrometer through proper maintenance is essential to prolonging service life and sustaining accuracy. SBS recommends a maintenance interval of at least once a year. SBS is able to meet all battery testing and service needs.
- Measures specific gravity or density and ambient temperature
- Tests liquids and lead acid batteries
- ± 0.001 g/cm3 accuracy
- Automatic temperature compensation
- Ergonomic, lightweight design enabling one-hand operation and measurement
- Stores up to 100 sample IDs for easy sample identification
- Stores up to 1100 measurements including time stamps and sample IDs
- Ability to connect with the SBS-6500 impedance tester via Bluetooth for integrated data and reporting
- 2.4" LCD color display