The Standard Dual2 nailing and subsequent processing line for various types of pallets can produce 3 pallets per minute. The Standard Dual2 nailing line matches all the features of the Standard2 line, except that it includes two SMPA500.2 ED nailing machines. The undeniable advantage of this line is its low energy consumption and variability, meaning the possibility to configure the line according to needs and your capabilities. The line is operated by 4 workers.
Produce the most common types of pallets effortlessly
With Störi Mantel palletizing lines, you can manufacture all types of common and most atypical pallets found in the market. Thanks to the universal/fixed template, easy manual reconfiguration for a different type of pallet, and the precision of the nailing pattern (within +/- 1 mm tolerance), nothing will surprise you.
Reduce your costs not only for energy with the patented electric nailing system
The nailing system utilizes an electromechanical drive and has the lowest energy consumption in its class (1.2 kWh per production of 100 pallets). Additionally, you don't have to worry about maintenance and operation of the hydraulic nailing system (refilling, oil replacement, disposal, excessive noise, etc.). The palletizing line can be operated by only 4 workers.
Invest only in what you need
Is investing in the entire line at once too high for you? Not a problem. You can purchase the nailing line in individual segments and start with what you need most urgently, gradually improving it.
EUR pallet production, atypical pallet production
High precision, high speed