Cabinet Panel Cooling with Panel Enclosure Coolers
STREAMTEK™ Corp shares your concerns about maintaining a clean environment and consistent temperatures in electronic control panel cabinets. Our high-performance, competitively priced Cabinet Panel Cooler is a solution to these very concerns. The cabinet panel cooler incorporates STREAMTEK’s™ reliable Vortex Tube to purge as it cools electronic and electrical enclosures. The filtered air that enters your electronic control panel cabinets is up to 45°F colder than the compressed air supply.
A relief valve built into the cabinet panel cooler eliminates hot air from the cabinet even as the cooler simultaneously supplies clean, cold air to keep your systems working as intended. Our Panel Enclosure Coolers are ideal for all NEMA 4/4X (IP56) and NEMA 12 (IP52) rated panels. These cabinet panel coolers mount in minutes through a standard knockout.