Extremely attractive and robust, our roto-moulded SULO depot containers are resistant to wind, bad weather and UV rays and also offer efficient protection against graffiti sprayers and fly posting. For sensitive and security-related areas, our steel depot containers made from non-flammable materials, fire protection class MO, offer a first class, aesthetic and functional alternative.
No.1 for confined spaces and events
Mobility and ergonomics were the focus of Movea‘s development. In spaces too confined for other solutions , it can be perfectly positioned thanks to its compact body and wheels. It can even pass through doors, allowing it to be used comfortably inside or outside, in backyards or at events. The mobile container is a specialist in collecting beverage packaging. Whether glass, cartons or plastic bottles, Movea happily accepts all of these forms of packaging with the highest possible level of safety for users and refuse collectors.
Lifting System