A SiK Telemetry Radio is a small, light and inexpensive open source radio platform that typically allows ranges of better than 300m “out of the box” (the range can be extended to several kilometers with the use of a patch antenna on the ground). The radio uses open source firmware which has been specially designed to work well with MAVLink packets and to be integrated with the Mission Planner, Copter, Rover, and Plane.
This product was originally created by 3DR, from which many of the hardware designers are now working at mRo.
What is included :
-MRC0206-150mm JST-GH to JST-GH, used in newer autopilots.
-MRC0213-150mm 6-Pins DF13 to JST-GH cable for PixHawk1 and older autopilots.
-Micro USB cable.
-2x 3dBi 915 Mhz Antennas.