High Yield
Max. efficiency 98.9 %, European efficiency 98.7 %
Long-term overload at 1.1 Pn
Full power operation without derating at 50 ℃
Easy O&M
Compact design and light weight for easy installation
Plug-in design of fan and SPD, convenient for on-site maintenance
Integrated string current monitoring function for fast trouble shooting
Saved Investment
Max. DC/AC ratio more than 1.4
Integrated DC combiner box and DC/AC overvoltage protection
Grid Support
Compliance with standards: IEC 62109, IEC 61727, IEC 62116, VDE0126-1-1, G59/3, VDE-AR-N-4105, VDE-AR-N-4120, BDEW
Low/High voltage ride through (L/HVRT)
Active & reactive power control and power ramp rate control