Le tuyau d'air du module de doigt de style V5 est installé à l'arrière, et chaque module de doigt a besoin d'un tuyau d'air indépendant. Le module de doigt de style V5 est plus fin et plus léger. L'espace n'est que de 8 mm lorsqu'il est placé en face, adapté pour saisir des produits petits et légers, sealing gaskets and pins. The [PK] needs to be ordered separately.
V5 Assembly module-- Series-finger Module
•Features: Series-finger Module, can be used alone or in series .
•mindest finger distance is only 10mm. Be good at thin and large object.
•Compatible with Slide mounting plate [SMP] (page.50). The finger module position is adjustable in three dimensions.
•Air intake: single air intake on finger back side.
Series combination:
•More finger modules are combined in series to increase the Gripping force
•Robust splicing with screw bolt in finger modules.
•Note: Two parts-kit [PK] are needed to screw two finger module together, which contains screw bolts, nuts, sealing gaskets and pins. The [PK] needs to be ordered separately.