1, the main reason why choose the fiber laser cutting machine.
Electro-optical conversion efficiency ( power saving):
The optical fiber as the laser medium, the optical conversion efficiency of pump light energy in to common wavelength material processing (1069-1090nm) up to 50%; the total electro-optic commonly of fiber laser conversion efficiency up to 30% or more, more higher than carbon dioxide glass(15-20%), (6-10%) for carbon dioxide radio frequency laser (6-10%), comparative data: lamp-pumped cutting machine 650W total power is about 30KW/hour,the total power of the 800W fiber laser cutting machine is not more than 8KW, you can calculate how many power cost you can save one year.
Maintenance-free (low maintenance costs):
All-fiber laser optical path entirely composed of fibers and fiber-optic components, welding technology using optical fiber connection between the optical fiber and fiber optic components, the entire optical path is completely enclosed in the optical fiber waveguide. Once this natural all closed optical path is formed, without additional isolation measures can be self-contained, isolated from the external environment to achieve. Resonator fiber grating replaces the lens structure, there is no lens contamination, distortion and so on, so that in case of proper use of fiber lasers, basically no maintenance.
Integrated use of low cost:
Fiber laser has excellent thermal performance, high electro-optical efficiency, saving water and electricity, it’s important to maintain the amount of money and time, improve work efficiency.