Since 1975 Suzzi specialises in manufacturing of customised electrical windings, coils and solenoids. Thanks to the specific technical skills it has gained over the years in a multitude of sectors, Suzzi is able to accompany the customer in creating their product, also assisting them in all of the documentary aspects required (e.g. drawing up the PPAP).
In addition, thanks to its financial soundness, Suzzi guarantees continuity in its supply and relations, safeguarding customers’ investments in the development of their products.
•Ignition coils
•Coils for electro-valves with or without cable
•Coils for electromagnets
•High and low voltage coils
•NTC temperature sensors
The company produces electrical coils wiring for the automotive, electro-locks and for many other industrial sectors.
There are numerous types of customer-designed electric coils that SUZZI can produce:
• Ignition coils
• Coils for solenoid valves
• Coils for electromagnets
• High and low voltage coils
Coil connectors that can be requested vary: faston, AMP, wired, etc.
Coil is important but service is key. Infact SUZZI is able to follow the customer also in all the required documentary aspects such as, for example, the PPAPs.
The experience acquired, particularly in the automotive sector, has allowed the company to also invest in the production of proprietary standard electric coils. This allows customers to select also from a range of standard electric coils, which can be customized according to their needs.
The possible customizations concern the power, voltage and other technical or aesthetic parameters of the coil.