0-4mm high vacuum valve with metering tip to adjust air pressure. With standard taper joint. Order CC3525 pinch type clamps with screw-locking device for ball joints.For replacement O-rings on high vacuum plug shaft, order R010. The O-rings on the highvacuum PTFE valve are completely encapsulated with thin layer of PTFE, making it inert tochemicals.* Since the chromatography column is used with positive air pressure, it’s highlyrecommended that operator uses column behind a safety shield.
S660004 0-4mm high vacuum metering plug and control 30.05
knob. (PTFE O-ring at tip)
R010 Replacement Viton® O-rings, size 010 for 0-4mm high 1.00
vacuum plug shaft O-ring
CC3525 Clamps for 35/20 or 35/25 ball joint 16.80
CS002440 Plastic clamp for 24/40 joint 3.25