For use with manifolds having #15 O-ring joints on banks (i.e, M150004 above )(E) and (G) are 0-12mm high vacuum valves as the shut off. (F) is a 0-4mm high vacuum valve having 9mm O.D. tubing towards the back of the drawing. (H) is a0-8mm high vacuum valve. The pre-trap uses two 28/15 ball joints to add more flexibility to the assembly. The pre-trap uses a 57mm horseshoe clamp (CC0057) and two 57mm O-ring flanges to make quick connection. The #15 O-ring joint at the far-left is used to connect to manifold. The complete assembly comes with onebrown Viton® O-ring (R116), two #15 O-ring clamps, and one 57mm horseshoe clamp.Dual trap assembly, complete
S540004 0-4mm high vacuum plug and control knob Viton® O-ring at tip 28.40
S540008 0-8mm high vacuum plug and control knob 37.05
Viton® O-ring at tip
S540012 0-12mm high vacuum plug and control knob 42.05
Viton® O-ring at tip
CC0057 57mm horseshoe clamp 59.40
CC2815 #15 O-ring joint stainless steel clamp 12.45
R116 #116 Viton® O-ring 2.25
R331 #331 Viton® O-ring 10.15