Viton® O-ring on PTFE shaft are protected with precision Teflon® Wipers.The plug has a machined-in integral PTFE tip O-ring to make the primaryseal. This design provides for an excellent vacuum tight seal without exposingany material other than Teflon® to chemicals. With two 9mm O.D. sidearm bentto minimize hold up of liquids. 0-12mm high vacuum valve low hold up metering
S660004 0-4mm high vacuum metering plug and control valve(Teflon® covered O-rings) 30.05
S660008 0-8mm high vacuum metering plug and control Valve (Teflon® half-covered O-ring) 38.95
S660012 0-12mm high vacuum metering plug and control Valve (Teflon® half-covered O-ring) 48.90