The DynTHERM TGA is an advanced gravimetric instrument featuring a patented* Magnetic Suspension Balance that enables measurement of weight changes of materials under high pressure, in the presence of a variety of gases, vapors, or steam, from room temperature to 1550°C. A flexible selection of gas & vapor dosing and blending devices provide accurate control of the composition and the pressure of the reaction atmosphere. Designed and built with over 20 years of experience and field proven by hundreds of customers, the Rubotherm Series DynTHERM TGA offers the widest available temperature and pressure range of all high pressure gravimetric analyzers and represents the industry standard for application relevant analysis.
Features and Benefits:
•Non-contact sample weighing enables hermetic separation between sample cell and balance, eliminating risk of balance damage from reaction gases, pressure or temperature inside the sample cell
•Metallically sealed sample reactor cell enables measurements in corrosive, explosive, or toxic reaction gases, up to high temperatures, and from vacuum to high pressure
•Unique automatic sample decoupling enables taring of balance during experiments and provides unmatched long-term baseline stability for the most accurate measurements, without manual balance calibrations required by competitive devices
•Entire sample cell wetted by the reaction gases can be heated, preventing condensation of reaction gas vapors such as water vapor, CO2, ammonia etc., even at high pressures or humidity