Mass production by use of the multi-headsThe largest Heater Wire Sewing Machine with 16 heads, can produce16 pieces at a time. This greatly improves productivity and reduces costper part.
A simple operating processThe process is automated and simplied. Many options are available toincrease production and create accurate wire parts. The Heater WireSewing Machine makes production a smoother process especiallywhen compared to the conventional way that wire-laying is done.
An easily reproducible processA computer-controlled head and frame sews heater wire automaticallyand precisely. The pitch between stitched wires can be accuratelycontrolled for various wire diameters. Other conventional methods ofproduction make it dicult to accurately reproduce corners asdesigned. Our new technology has now made it possible to producecorners that are consistent in length and resistance.
Digitizing is simpleOur exclusive digitizing sof twarenamed "DG/ML by PULSE” is designedto support your pattern requirements.“DG/ML by PULSE” makes it easy toedit and simply convert existing dataand designs to stitch data les readyto run on the Heater Wire SewingMachines.
A wide variety of materials can be sewnDierent thickness wires with or without insulation can be sewn usingvarious kinds of attachments based on your needs.