Waste Incineration systems for Hazardous Waste
Tecam Group designs, assemblies and installs equipment for Industrial Waste Incineration and Pyrolysation, specifically, static and rotary kilns and incineration plants to eliminate different nature of waste (solid waste, liquid waste and sludge) in one same kiln from municipal and industrial origin.
Waste Incineration technology can be installed in several industries to treat hazardous waste, refining residues, chemical waste, pharmaceutical waste, hospital & medical waste, waste water plant sludge, NORM (natural radioactive) waste, etc.
Advantages of Waste Incineration:
Production of Energy = Waste-to Energy
Incineration plants generate energy from waste – that’s called Waste-to-Energy. This energy can be used to generate electricity or heat and it can be used to power the needs of people living in the surroundings of the plant. For example, in European cold weather countries, they use the heat from the incinerators for warming homes and workplaces in areas near the plant.
Efficient Waste Management
The major advantage of incineration is that makes waste management easier and more efficient, because incineration can burn up to 90% of the total waste generated and sometimes even more. As a comparison, landfills only allow organic decomposition, so nonorganic waste keeps accumulating.
Savings on Transportation of Waste
Waste Incineration plants can be in the proximity of cities or districts, so the waste doesn’t have to be driven very far away, which means that the cost of transport is relevant.