Techné's wrapped bushings are defined by ISO 3547-1:2006 standard. However, for specific applications, Techné produces non-standard bushings, especially in terms of dimensions and tolerances.
Applications such as in the automotive industry, require specific standards with enhanced quality control. Leveraging its experience, Techné meets customers’ requirements by providing certificates and submission records related to the control and traceability of its products.
Techné complies with specific requests regarding bushing materials. It is possible to improve bearing lifespan by developing materials specific to each application.
For custom bushings, Techné offers the following materials:
Wrapped bushings: TU, TUB, TX, TI, TY, TZ. The standard thicknesses of the bushings, as well as the thicknesses of the different layers (TU, TX, and TY) can be adapted to meet the customer's application requirements
Machined bushes: steel, treated steel, bronze alloys, bronze-aluminium, bronze with solid lubricant pads (TBL)
Lubrication grooves
When a bushing is used with oil or grease, it is sometimes recommended to machine lubrication grooves to ensure proper lubricant distribution and facilitate the removal of wear debris from the sliding surface.
The grooves are defined by DIN ISO 12128:1998 standard and Techné's specifications. There are a total of nine grooves, and some can be combined (e.g., groove type E with groove type L).
Machining a specific groove is also possible, subject to prior validation by Techné's engineering department.
Grease holes
The presence or absence of a grease hole, its diameter, and its positioning on the bushing can also be customized.