New high speed cameras with high image resolution / large image sensors need suitable lenses with a large image diameter to avoid vignetting. Lenses made for DSLR-cameras would be an ideal fit (wide selection, wide zooming range, inexpensive, easily available), however most of those lenses have no iris ring anymore to manually step down the aperture. The CMT lens adapter features a mechanical iris ring to set the lens aperture to any desired value.
CMT lens adapter
Lens adapter with manual iris ring for F-mount lenses
New high speed cameras with high image resolution / large image sensors need suitable lenses with a large image diameter to avoid vignetting.
Lenses made for DSLR-cameras would be an ideal fit (wide selec- tion, wide zooming range, inexpensive, easily available), however most of those lenses have no iris ring anymore to manually step down the apperture.
The CMT lens adapter features a mechanical iris ring to set the lens apperture to any desired value.
The CMT accepts lenses with an F-mount and a mechanical aperture lever.
Use NIKON DX- and FX-lenses, or similar lenses made by 3rd party suppliers like SIGMA, TAMRON or TOKINA (brand names are used for reference purpose only).
The lens/adapter combination fits all AOS high speed cameras, as well as many high speed- and vision cameras equipped with a c-mount of other manufacturers.