•Accurate and consistent dosages.
•Lower margin of human error.
•Easy cleaning and maintenance.
•Automatic composition of multi-product recipes.
Dosing and electronic control for consistently accurate dosing of solid, powdered or granular solid materials downstream of pneumatic or mechanical conveying systems.
The ingredient is fed by a pneumatic or mechanical transport into the tank, where it and weighed in real-time by a detection system composed of weighing cells and electronic instrumentation.
The system will then follow the recipe set on the PLC controller, dosing the ingredients in the correct pre-set sequence and quantity until it has formed the dosing batch.
For loss in weight versions, the product is dosed by extracting material from the tank via a dispensing unit such as an auger or rotary valve.
The filtering system allows the separation and out-flow of transport air and is configured to run regular cleaning cycles on the sleeves by injecting compressed air (dust removal).
•Capacity up to 3,000kg.
•Accuracy up to 50g.
•Construction according to DIN 1055 standards and UNI ENV 1991-4 Eurocode.