TM3F is a pneumatic module with direct flow measurement for leak or flow rate testing.
TM3PF is an instrument for measurement of pressure and flow in air, directly measures pressure and flow rate through the product being tested.
In particular TM3PF-CV is used for Check Valves and measures the peak pressure reached before the opening of the valve but also the pressure and the residual flow when the valve opens.
Delta TM3PF is a pneumatic module with direct flow measurement for leak or flow testing.
The instrument directly measures pressure and flow rate through the product being tested (filters, taps, valves, ...). Testing times below 1 second can be reached for leak or flow rate tests on small volumes. It is available the dislocated pressure reading on the tested product.
TM3F – CV is an instrument to measure pressure and flow in air for Check Valves.
The instrument measures both the peak pressure reached before the opening of the valve and also the pressure and the residual flow when the valve opens. Before the test starts, the testing module checks the initial conditions of pressure and free output flow.
TM3PF has digital I/O interfaces for PLC connection, USB/RS485 for programming and for data collection, a software to collect and manage the tests data for PC.
This instrument can be connected and controlled by every PLC and interfaced to HMI terminal which is provided with serial lines, USB host and Ethernet interface.
The software manager permits to collect and manage tests data, to set up the parameters, programming and do SPC analysis of tests data.