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Articulated robot TEC-RH14-10-W
6-axishandlingfor assembly

articulated robot
articulated robot
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Number of axes
handling, for assembly, loading, unloading, for welding, sorting, for grinding, marking, spraying
Other characteristics
compact, safety

10 kg
(22.046 lb)


1,440 mm
(56.69 in)


0.08 mm
(0.0031 in)


Robot công nghiệp (tầm vươn 1,4m) TEC-RH14-10-W • · The wingspan is 1.4 meters. The design is highly compact and offers a choice of ground or inverted installations. • · Large working space, fast running speed and high repeatability. It is suitable for welding, spraying, loading and unloading, handling, sorting, assembly and other applications. • · Configure a safety emergency stop board independent of the control system, adopt a safe relay circuit, and provide dual-circuit emergency stop to ensure the reliability of emergency stop. • · The main cable is a high-flexible robot-specific cable. • · Built-in three-phase transformer, 380V and 200V for isolation, the power supply is more stable. Built-in three-phase filter to improve EMC and EMI performance. • · The main body provides double circuit air pipe to meet the needs of welding and handling. • · The 6-axis inner hole has an inner diameter of 46mm, which can meet the installation requirements of water-cooled guns and bellows guns. • · Built-in high-flex welding cable.
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.