High frequency voltage reducers in order to convert 24VDC direct current, into12VDC. Isolated from earth.
A large selection of voltages: 17.0 to 32.0 VDC.
Exit voltages: 13.6 VDC +/- 15%.
Wide range: between 3 & 24 amps.
Working temperature: -25°C to +30°C (decreasing linear amps from +30°C to +80°C).
Connections: 4 flat plate connectors at 6.3mm.
Fixings: clip-able onto a T frame, fixed by screws at 3 points.
IHM: voltage presence indicated by red LED.
Electrostatic protections complying to ISO10605, ISO14892 standards.
Galvanic Isolation.
Complies to the following regulations.
EMC 2004/108/EC directive.
2006/96/EC automobile directive.
CE 93/68/EEC mark directive.
VIDG5 AES Police and Fire Brigade.