The 8 Series Sampling Oscilloscope enables efficient and affordable optical component testing with an innovative disaggregated architecture. With a reconfigurable and compact design, an innovative user interface, and reliable high-end performance, it resembles an ideal test solution for manufacturing applications. The 8 Series is designed to adapt to a continuous increase in demand for higher bandwidths and baud rates addressing current and future test parameters.
Increased throughput by disaggregation
The 8 Series enables inexpensive, adaptable, and scalable solutions by leveraging the separation of acquisition hardware from measurement analysis. Stream data from the instrument through high-speed Ethernet to the analysis platform, limiting oscilloscope downtime and maximizing investment.
Enhanced analysis with TSOVu
TSOVu is the advanced application software for controlling the TSO820 Sampling Oscilloscope. This new software architecture is flexible, intuitive, and natively supports complex measurement of optical NRZ and PAM4 signals, including measurements such as TDECQ. Compare up to four optical channels side by side using various measurement and visualization tools.
• Parallel channel acquisition and analysis
• Streamlined programmatic interface for automation
• Dynamic measurement report generation and data management solutions
Save time, space, and money with modular design
Optimize test setups with the 8 Series’ compact form factor and user-swappable modules to quickly adapt to changes in workflow and accommodate next generation technologies.