The Series 2000 represents a complete line of Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) based analyzers which can be applied in a wide range of applications and industries. By using field proven filament-based and semiconductor based TC detectors, Teledyne is able to continuously monitor hydrogen and a variety of other gases of interest in either binary or multi-component sample gas streams.
Series 2000 Platform
To contend with the numerous and varied analyzer requirements among industrial users, Teledyne has developed a feature rich, user-friendly platform. The Series 2000 comes with a standard software program incorporating such flexible features as (3) user-programmable ranges, automatic calibration, and customer selectable gas constituents.
Thermal conductivity is a basic property of gases that relates to their ability to conduct heat. Good conductors of eat such as H2 and He, have a high thermal conductivity whereas poor conductors of heat, such as CO2 and Ar, have low values. This ability to conduct heat forms the basis of detection. The Series 2000 analyzes gas compositions by continuously comparing the sample gas with a reference gas (sealed or flowing) of known thermal conductivity. This comparison is performed in a 2 chamber detector cell block. Reference gas occupies one chamber and sample gas the other.
A pair of temperature-sensitive heated filaments is mounted in each chamber.