Detailed images are a common goal for all NDT operators. Depending on the configurations, noise or backscattering effects, disturbances in the results and interpretations may occur.
To reduce these effects, ICM engineers have developed a specific adjustable collimator that helps to manually reduce the X-Ray beam that comes from the CP120B and the CP160B. The collimator strictly focuses the X-Ray beam on the target and in doing so reduces the noise effect, the backscattering effects and improves the penetration.
This collimator can be mounted on the CP120B & CP160B via a specific support that is placed on the generators.
Dimensions (closed) : 125 x 125 x 16.5 mm
Weight : 0.4 Kg
lead thickness : 0.5 mm
Penetration into steel (CP120B) : 33 (at 20 cm) mm
Penetration into steel (CP160B) : 45 (at 20 cm) mm