This type of bracket is recommended for loads that reach 1600 kg, or for high speeds applications. The inclusion of two bearings give it maximum maneuverability, even with a full load. The first, axial bearing is a thrust bearing, the second is a tapered bearing wich resists oblique forces.
Normally, this type of bracket requires no maintenance, however if the application to which it has been adapted requires it to be periodically
greased (when subject to continual motion by mechanical devices, or in very dusty environments etc) it may be equipped with a grease nipple.
Models available: with top plate fastening. Suitable brakes:adjustable rear-locking brakes.
1) Plate: electrolytically galvanised forged steel
2) Fork: electrolytically galvanised steel plate
4) Central pin: solid with the machined plate
5) Swivel actions: axial ball bearing and tapered roller bearing
6) Dust seal: orange polyethylene