Circulation heater is a combined unit of Electric heater bundle inserted inside a Pressure vessel or shell, in which fluid will be flowing continuously. It is a compact heating system with fast heating of the process fluids.
The Circulation heaters are designed in such a way that cold process fluid enters the pressure vessel through inlet nozzle at a low temperature, passes though the active zone of the heater bundle and leaves the vessel through outlet nozzle at desired high temperature. The system is designed in such a way that heating element skin temperature and the pressure drop across the nozzles are maintained within permissible limits. The Circulation heater system can be designed in single stage vessel or multi stage vessels based on the process requirements. The System can be installed vertically or horizontally based on the requirement and space availability.
Technical Specifications
Rating From 1kW to 5000kW (Max) in Single Bundle or combination
Design Temperature -40 deg C to 650 degree C
Design Pressure Up to 350 bar(g)
Pressure Vessel LTCS/ CS / SS, Alloy steel
Heating Element Mineral filled insulated Heating Elements or Tubular heating Elements with
Ni-Cr (80-20) as heating Coil and suitable outer sheaths
Control System Thyristor control Panel + Local control Stations for effective temperature
control & safe operation. ( Safe area or Hazardous area)