A timer is a component for automatic start-up and cut-off with certain periods in the application. The contact position changes to energise or cut-off the coil. The relays are designed to be used for time-dependent control requirements (industry, housing, factory etc.).
Based on the operation principle, there are “on-delay timers” and “off-delay timers”. There are traditional models working with a piston and completely electronic digital timers.
In timer selection, supply voltage, number of contacts, permitted time interval and ease of use should be considered. Visible indicator light or screen is also important. If the ambient temperature of the operation area is high or low, this temperature value should be considered in time relay selection.
After determining the suitable values and criteria for you, you can compare the detailed information on our product pages to select the most suitable product for your needs. Also, it is better to check the user manuals given as a link on our product pages.
- 0,1sec. - 3sec. (Adjustable)