Teralba Industries' range of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, also referred to as Multitube™, are ideal for fluids and gases where space (compactness) is important. The primary fluid or product is supplied to a grouping of parallel tubes while the service fluid flows between and around the tubes within the outer tube shell. The units can handle high temperatures and high pressures. Dimpled tube/pipe technology adds a new dimension to scope of use. Turbulent flow conditions are achieved at low flow rates. Up goes the efficiency!
Dimpleflo® Profile - Dimples that generate energy!
The Teralba Dimpleflo® MultitubeTM heat exchanger is a compact assembly based on traditional shell and tube principles. The unique Teralba dimple is used to increase turbulence of the product and service media. This increased turbulence results in a reduction of the total surface area required for a specific duty. A clear drainage passage in the product channels provide the ultimate in hygiene for food, pharmaceutical and chemical applications, achieved by the unique arrangements of the dimple profiles.
Dimplflo® Technology
This remarkable innovation was developed by the founder of Teralba Industries as a result of his observations of how much quicker liquids heat and/or cool when laminar flow patterns are disturbed or interrupted. By arranging dimples at just the right pitch and centres, the liquid is 'jostled' but not restricted and there is little change in the pressure drop characteristics compared to plain (undimpled) surfaces.