Tried and tested!
The latest generation of Terrot body size Single circular knitting machines represents the latest state of the art
and match therewith in an optimum way the demand for best product reliability at highest efficiency.
The most advantageous fact of the SH130 is the easily operable conversion kit to transform the basic machine
into the SBF130 (3-thread fleece). The SH130 stands for efficiency at the production of trendy and comfortable underwear without any tailoring seam on the side.
Area of application
Medical textiles
Sport- and leisurewear
Technical textiles
Stitch structure
Plain single jersey
Double face
Crepe structure
Approved needle oils
Klüber Silvertex W 22 / W32 / T22 / T32
Klüberoil Tex 1-22 N
Textol C ISO 22
LUBCON Turmotexoil LP 22 W
Bardahl – Promax Maxlub TEX-HE (not tested and approved for selection units made by Johnson Matthey)
Approved oils will be checked for their suitability by Terrot at regular intervals. The manufacturer of the oil is responsible for a consistently high quality of the oil. Terrot assumes no liability for damage caused by poor quality of oils.