TERRUZZI PATENTED Door Fast Locking System is one of the most distinctive elements of the Terruzzi Technology for Autoclaves.
The system consists of three forged rings, and out of this first one, other two alternative types are available: the Traditional TERRUZZI System and the one equipped with toothed rings with the Traditional Terruzzi System.
The shell and the door rings are clamped up together by the external ring (3rd), which is made into sections linked to each other through a hinges and guides system, ensuring perfect tightness and operating safety.
As an alternative solution, the door ring and the mobile external ring can be properly toothed in order to allow the door opening with a minimum movement of the third external ring.
In both systems this 3rd ring is automatically controlled by oleodynamic and/or pneumatic device, unless the customer requires manual operations,.Small size autoclaves, up to a diameter of 2.000 mm are normally equipped with a manually operated door opening.