Designed to meet the frequent air changes and tight temperature uniformity required of the AST 5423 Type I and Type II oven specifications
A high volume fan circulates air through perforated, stainless steel walls to create a constant horizontal airflow across all sections of the oven. This results in a highly uniform airflow that meets the ASTM 5423 Type I and II Specification while tested according to ASTM 5374.
Temperature variation max of 6C at 300C
Can be used for applications such as thermal evaluation of electrical insulating materials, testing, aging, curing, drying, sterilizing and other thermal applications where tight temperature uniformity is required.
High quality design and simple operation
Horizontal air flow assures uniform thermal performance under all loading conditions
Impervious barrier between process chamber and insulation material
Differential Air Pressure Switches alert you if loss of pressure or airflow is detected
Multiple model options for custom test needs
Quick access for simple inner chamber cleaning
Easy to use controller