Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) for the study of materials in their natural state.
Quattro Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
The Thermo Scientific Quattro ESEM combines all-around performance in imaging and analytics with a unique environmental mode (ESEM) that allows samples to be studied in their natural state. It is ideal for a wide variety of academic, industrial, and government labs that want the versatility and ease of use needed for multiple users of different experience levels and disciplines on a platform that also supports unique in situ experiments. The Quattro ESEM features a field emission gun (FEG), which ensures excellent resolution. Meanwhile, its three vacuum modes (high vacuum, low vacuum, and ESEM) provide the flexibility to accommodate the widest range of samples of any SEM available, including those that are outgassing or otherwise not vacuum-compatible.
Best in class for in situ imaging capabilities, dynamic experiments with excellent analytical capabilities
The Quattro ESEM is a highly flexible platform for in situ dynamic experiments. The Quattro ESEM's environmental SEM capability allows scientists to study materials in a range of conditions, such as wet/humid, hot, or reactive environments, as they develop new materials and products. It supports cooling and heating experiments both in high vacuum and low vacuum to accommodate the widest range of needs. Cooling experiments on wet materials are possible with the Peltier cooling stage or if the transmission mode is needed, with Thermo Scientific WetSTEM Technology.