The TV/HAT is a self-actuating temperature activated fluid control valve ideal for use in conjunction with tracer tubing and tracing systems to keep systems warm for winterization tracing, instrument tracing, freeze protection, and other applications requiring flow temperature control.
Utilizing a thermostatic wax actuator, the TV/HAT (Tube Valve/Heat Actuated Trap) freeze protection valve responds only to fluid temperature to control a system. After condensate forms and cools to the valve’s set point, the valve modulates the flow to maintain a constant condensate discharge temperature. During start-up, the TV/HAT is wide open for rapid venting and initial heat-up and then will adjust based on fluid temperature. After shutdown, the valve is self-draining to eliminate freeze damage.
For heating of temperature-sensitive instruments or process fluids, the reduced temperature available for tracing simplifies operations and eliminates overheating problems. For other heat transfer fluids, the TV/HAT freeze protection valve maintains a constant discharge temperature, thus providing the benefits of accurate process temperature control and improved efficiency.
Typical Applications
TV/HAT valves are ideal for use in conjunction with tracer tubing and tracing systems using pre-traced tubing bundles. These valves are optimal for replacing conventional steam traps on winterization tracing, instrument tracing, condensate return system freeze protection, tracing for processes under 150°F (65°C), and other applications requiring in-line flow control based on temperature.