With dry running oil-less vacuum (OVT) automatic priming, this eco-friendly pump with no recirculation oil or contact rotors is state of the art in handling liquids with larger solids up to 4 inches as well as air. High pressure, capacity and performance all in a rugged heavy-duty centrifugal pump.
High capacity and head performance
Ultra high efficiency pump with fast dry-priming and automatic re-priming
Up to 4 inches solids handling
Automatic dry prime pump using the exclusive oil-less vacuum technology (OVT) for less maintenance and faster priming
Dry running OVT priming requires no recirculating oil that could foul the environment
High air handling and vacuum capability with air cooled system providing efficiency and longevity
Non-contacting rotors eliminate wear increasing longevity with no reduction in performance
Heavy-duty cast iron casing and brackets as well as impeller and wear rings
Stress proof stainless steel shaft sleeves and abrasion resistant tungsten carbide seals
Various diesel or electric motor options
Available with many advanced options including auto-start controls
Waste Treatment: Sewer bypass, pumping mud or solids in suspension, force main pumping, dosing or neutralizing liquids, pumping out settled sludge
Construction: Wellpoint installations, pilings, seawall installations, equipment wash down, dewatering excavations, canals and sumps, extended sumping
Industrial: Water jetting and blasting, piping system surcharging and pressure testing, waste pumping, flood drainage, fire suppression, transfer of clean or dirty liquids containing sand, mud or solids in suspension