Analyze Spectra of CW Lasers
Free Spectral Range of 1.5 and 10 GHz
Finesse of at Least 150
Controller Available
Thorlabs' Scanning Fabry-Perot (FP) Interferometers are spectrum analyzers that are frequently used to examine the fine structure of the spectral characteristics of CW lasers. These interferometers offer a high-finesse of at least 150, and free spectral ranges (FSRs) of either 1.5 or 10 GHz.
The confocal FP cavity acts as a very narrow bandpass filter. The transmission frequency of the cavity is tuned by adjusting the length of the cavity using piezoelectric transducers. The transmitted light intensity is measured using a photodiode, amplified by the transimpedence amplifier in the SA201 controller (or equivalent amplifier) and then displayed / recorded by an oscilloscope or data acquisition card.