Modular servo controlled multi-inspection machine
TIAMA has created the MX 4 to enable glass plants to seamlessly integrate the whole range of its technological solutions into one reliable, specially designed framework. It benefits from the joint know-how and expertise of SGCC and MSC : more than 3 500 carousel machines installed worldwide since 50 years.
Modular platform
MX4 performs a complete range of measurements and controls positioned independently in accordance with customer needs.
Dimensional measurement : finish and neck
Servo-controlled gauging device
Or contactless device, the NCG (Non Contact Gauging)
Airtightness measurement
Servo-controlled airtightness device
Detection of cracks by camera : finish, neck shoulder, body, heel and base
Up to 24 digital channels for a numerical detection.
Also available as a vision camera-based device, the ATLAS
Out-of-round non-contact measurement device, the OVA’L
Non-contact thickness device, the NCT+
Mould number reading
All types of code reading : alphanumerical, dots, datamatrix
Detection of visual defects
NCI : visual detection of neck defects
HCI : visual detection for heel.
MX 4 combines up to 7 inspections stations, 6 of which are rotating ones. It is a universal machine adapted to all types of articles, whatever their shape, colour and size.