Bus Probes are a family of environmental sensors with an RS485 interface. The probes communicate using the standard Modbus RTU protocol.
At the moment, Tibbo offers four types of probes: an ambient temperature sensor (BP#01), an ambient temperature and humidity sensor (BP#02), an ambient light sensor (BP#03), and a three-axis accelerometer (BP#04).
Bus Probes are typically wired to a twisted pair cable that distributes power and carries RS485 "+" and "-" lines. All probes accept a supply voltage from 4V to 15V, allowing you to power them with 5V sources (for example, the 5V output of Tibbit #00-3) or standard 12V power supplies. The wide supply voltage range also means that you can allow for a significant voltage drop along the bus (e.g., when using a bus cable of considerable length).
Bus Probes are very compact (measuring only 40x36mm externally) and sport an attractive look and feel. Each sensor has two mounting holes for attaching it to walls and other surfaces.
Bus Probes can be configured and tested using our web-based test app (you will need to connect the probes to your PC via our Web485 board). Tibbo also offers a browser-based test kit (see BP-TEST-WEB-KIT below), which consists of four Bus Probes (one of each type), a Web485 board, and the necessary cables.
Two Tibbo Project System (TPS), Gen. 2-compatible Tibbo BASIC applications for the setup and testing of Bus Probes are available: BP-Tester-UI and BP-Tester-Web. We also offer a TPS-based test kit (see BP-TEST-KIT below), which consists of four Bus Probes (one of each type), a TPS2L(G2) preloaded with the BP-Tester-UI app, and the necessary cables.