Engineer or educator, the mini 2 achieves
your goals at an unbelievable price. Meeting
there is no greater bargain. the latest North American school board
guidelines for UFP and VOC emissions,
Superior Value. Exceptional Quality.
Secure Wi-Fi
Connect to and control the mini 2 from any Wi-Fi enabled computer or mobile device running UP Studio or the UP Studio App. Add a printer-specific password for additional post-connection security to keep network hackers at bay.
Blackout Recovery
Should the mini 2 suffer a power loss, printing is paused and the point of interruption is remembered. Once power is re-established, printing can resume and the print job can continue as if nothing had happened.
UP Studio
Powerful, yet renowned for simplicity and usability
Smart-Support Technology
Both software-assisted calibration and automatic calibration
3D model error detection and correction
Customizable bed and nozzle temperature settings
Convert 2D images into 3D images
Compatible with Windows 7 SP1 or later, MacOS X
Importable file formats: .up3, .ups, .stl, .obj, .3mf, .ply, .off, .3ds, .gcode
UP Studio App
Easy-to-use interface
Model creation with basic building blocks via Puzzle Mode
Convert 2D images into 3D images
Access to Moshop
Printer access via Wi-Fi
Compatible with iOS 8.x or later
Importable file formats: .up3, .ups, .stl