The KDCR is an automatic double-clip machine specially developed for the production of ring-shaped products in natural ring casings. The machine is ideal for sealing pork and beef rounds in the caliber range up to 46+ mm. Ring-shaped products or shaped products in collagen, cellulose or plastic casings up to caliber
50+ mm can also be processed safely and reliably.
The KDCR is fast, user-friendly and quiet. It processes up to 130 cycles/min., depending on the portion size, and has a spool clip magazine for 3,500 sausages. These features leave nothing to be desired in terms of convenience
and efficiency. The special voider system and the moving casing brake ensure careful processing of delicate natural casings. To achieve portions of the same size in terms of appearance, a lever control is available as an optional. This allows the casings to be filled by sight or by touch in order to compensate for natural deviations of natural casings. The KDCR is maintenance- and service-
friendly. Smooth, stainless surfaces, excellent accessibility to all areas and inclined horizontal surfaces enable fast, hygienic cleaning. The KDCR complies with all requirements of the clip machine standard EN13885.