TMC's optical tables and isolation systems offer industry-leading performance and rigidity thanks to an all-steel construction and the highest core density and smallest honeycomb cell area on the market.
CleanTop Performance series have three levels or damping performance as well as a multitude of configuration options for a variety of use cases. Individual tables can even be mechanically coupled in order to create complex rigid table shapes without loss of damping performance.
The System 1 optical table support systems (sold separately) have the same configuration flexibility and unparalleled vibration isolation performance.
Performance Levels
• Research Grade 784 Series
Provides the ultimate in optical top performance. Unmatched in the industry, Research Grade performance combines the smallest cell-size and highest core density with the unique CleanTop® design, all-steel construction, and the highest level of structural damping commercially available.
Research Grade CleanTops are recommended for the most demanding applications including interferometers, holography, and ultra-fast lasers, as well as the most severe floor vibration environments. For the best overall vibration control, consider combining this top with a LaserTable-Base™ support, a hybrid air/piezoelectric, 2-stage vibration cancellation system.
• Scientific Grade 783 Series
Scientific Grade has the same design features as Research Grade including core size and density, CleanTop cups, and all-steel construction with reduced damping. Peak compliance levels for Scientific Grade damping exceed peak compliance levels of Research Grade damping by a factor of 4.