Heat exchanging expertise confirmed !
Thanks to its first realization and considering the obtained performances TMW was asked to increase its knowledge in designing plastic exchangers.
That’s how TMW has developed a range of plastic plate heat exchangers (GEPPI) with the support of the French environment and energy management agency (ADEME), PS2E (Paris Saclay Energy Efficiency) and industrials : TOTAL and AIR LIQUIDE. These plastic plate heat exchangers offer an alternative to stainless steel (or other materials such as titanium) heat exchangers.
By welding thermoplastic injected plates this new design definitely creates a range of heat exchangers :
through operating either as a gas/liquid or a liquid/liquid exchanger,
through the number of welded plates,
through the choice of different possible materials in accordance with the customers specifications.
Even if the 70 plates heat exchanger is still the core of MHD technologies, this heat exchangers range allows TMW to access all markets where heat recovery is done in chemically aggressive environments.