Polypropylene Biosafety Cabinet Class II Type A2 with IPMS
TopAir’s Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinet protects lab staff, the environment and sensitive work processes in which biological agents are applied. The cabinet offers a high level of contamination protection, based on two advanced ULPA U15 99.9995% @ 0.1 µm filters.
The cabinet is made of robust, easily-cleaned anti-corrosive polypropylene, an optimal material for clean rooms with its high resistance to acids and other chemicals. Built in IPMS system:
TopAir provides the world’s first Integrated Particle Monitoring system that includes a contamination alarm for ISO 5 clean verification.
• 8 mm welded polypropylene with high chemical resistance
• Stainless Steel 304 worktop (SS316 optional)
• Front window of 6 mm triplex safety glass with electric lift system
• Side windows for better visibility
• Microprocessor control system with 10.1” color touchscreen display Class II, Type A2 Airflow Pattern: 70% circulation, 30% exhaust
• Two ULPA U15 filters 99.9995% @ 0.1 µm
• High efficiency quiet ECM fan with VAV auto filter clogging compensation • Inflow and downflow alarms, sash position alarm,
• critical chamber red light alarm, service reminder
• Real time filter gauge status display
• Germicidal waterproof UV light (254 nm) system and safety
• interlock mechanism
• LED light (1000 lux)
• 2 x universal sockets
• Time and date display
• Temperature and humidity display and alarm
• Multi language control, metric/imperial units
• Adjustable stand and arm rest